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With the new year comes celebrations, reflections, and of course, resolutions. Typically, resolutions are focused on eating healthy, exercising, or saving money. All of these are important, but it is also important to focus on your mental health when setting goals for 2020.
Each person has their own mental health, just like everyone has their own physical health. Because of this, resolutions focused on mental health are going to look different for everyone, just as they do if focused on physical health. Whenever you are setting a goal or resolution for your mental health it is important to allow some grace in your life. Setting goals is important, but you want to be sure you don’t put too much pressure on yourself, especially if you end up not sticking to your resolution. Each day is a new opportunity to work on yourself and your mental health, so even if you slip up one day, know that the next day is a chance to re-focus on your goals. Have compassion for yourself and know that we are all humans and humans are not perfect.
There are a lot of different goals you could set for yourself which would improve your mental health. A simple Google search will show you things like working out, going to a therapist, treating yourself kindly, etc. All these things and more are different ways you can improve your mental health in 2020.
For me personally, I am going to focus on changing the things that are not leaving a positive impact on my life and on my mental health. For example, I realized I spend too much time on my phone and not enough time living in the present moment. I am letting go of the amount of time I spend scrolling through my phone, so that I will gain more quality time with my friends and family. This one change is going to make me happier, more confident, more joyful and also improve my mental health throughout 2020.
Is there something in your life you no longer need? Is there something in your life that is preventing you from being your best self? Is there something in your life that is negatively impacting your mental health? Maybe not, which is great! But if there is, getting rid of whatever it is might in fact be the new year’s change you need to make.

Katie Zimmerman, Project Coordinator for The Kim Foundation
Katie Zimmerman joined The Kim Foundation in June 2019. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies and Sociology from Central College in Pella, Iowa. During her time in college, she volunteered at many non-profits organizations and took multiple sociology classes which focused on mental health. Katie’s role at The Kim Foundation includes running the social media accounts, assisting in the Youth Advisory Council, and providing mental health awareness and education to the community through A Voice for Hope and Healing presentations.