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NAMI-Nebraska Receives Award, Expands Programs

In Our Own Voice

NAMI-Nebraska was recently selected as one of only two states to receive a $5000 seed grant to expand its signature In Our Own Voice program throughout the state.

In Our Own Voice (IOOV) is a public education program in which consumers share their personal stories of living with mental illness and achieving recovery. Through the sharing of these individual accounts, presenters work to provide participants with a deeper understanding of what it is like to live with mental illness and the work necessary to stay in recovery.

Currently Nebraska has three trainers for the In Our Own Voice program. Some of the funds received through the grant will be used to sponsor an additional training for persons interested in becoming presenters. This training will be offered in the spring of 2010.

In Our Own Voice presentations are available free of charge to consumer groups, students, law enforcement, educators, providers, faith communities, politicians, professionals, and other interested community members throughout Nebraska.

For additional information on In Our Own Voice or to request a presentation in your area, please contact Jonah Deppe at or call (402) 345-8101.

NAMI Basics

NAMI Basics is the newest signature education program designed specifically for parents and other caregivers of children and adolescents living with mental illness. Provided by trained teachers who are themselves the parent or caregiver of individuals who developed symptoms of mental illness prior to their 13th birthday, these trained facilitators are now available to provide Basics in the Omaha, Lincoln, and Hastings areas.

The Basics course consists of six sessions each lasting for 2 ½ hours in length. Geared to provide parents and caregivers current information, help them cope with the impact that mental illness has on their loved one and their family, and provide tools for future use, course topics address a variety of topics, some of which include:

  • The stages of emotional reactions to the mental illness
  • Current information and research related to mental illness and evidence-based treatment strategies available
  • Examples of strategies that have been found to be helpful including problem solving, listening, and communication skills
  • Information related to school systems, the mental health system, and community supports and services

For additional information on NAMI Basics and other signature programs available through NAMI-Nebraska please contact Jonah Deppe at or call (402) 345-8101.

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The Kim Foundation


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