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The Kim Foundation hosts several events throughout the year to educate and inspire a variety of audiences, including students, professionals and the general community.

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A Time For Hope & Healing with Kevin Briggs

Yesterday marked our Third Annual A Time For Hope & Healing Luncheon! This year we were honored to welcome retired Sergeant from the California Highway Patrol, Kevin Briggs. Sergeant Briggs is also an Army Veteran, cancer survivor, survivor of suicide loss, as well as one of the millions of Americans who have experienced depression.

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While junior high and high school are full of new experiences and challenges, these formative years can be extra difficult for youth who are struggling with a mental disorder, bullying, abuse, or engaging in self-harm.

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A Change in the Seasons

This is such a fun, festive time of year, but it also bears significant importance for those of us in the mental health field. Mental Health Awareness Week will be coming up very shortly – the first full week of October, and this is always a reminder to focus on building awareness about this crucial topic and puts a spotlight on why we do this job – the individuals and families who need our advocacy and support.

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The Connection Between Mental Health & Spirituality

The Kim Foundation offers free educational presentations to a variety of community groups through our outreach program, A Voice for Hope and Healing. A large portion of these mental health and suicide prevention focused presentations have been to church groups throughout Omaha, Lincoln, and Bellevue areas.

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Who is Garett Lee Smith?

I have referred to the Garrett Lee Smith Grant numerous times when talking about the Metro Area LOSS Team, but until now, I never knew the story about how this grant came to be. Who is Garrett Lee Smith?

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Omaha Offers Peer Support for First Responders

Post-traumatic stress is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or terrifying event. It is often thought of as a disorder that only affects veterans who have endured combat; however, PTSD can affect anyone who has experienced trauma.

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“In The Bones”

I had the opportunity to see Cody Daigle-Orian’s play In The Bones, at The Shelterbelt Theatre last week. The play was a mix of drama with a touch of humor, all while opening the audiences’ eyes to the reality of suicide.

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Mental Health 101: Information for Clergy and Pastoral Lay Persons

Cyndi Muhlbauer and Ben Czyz of Lutheran Family Services and The Kim Foundation are excited to announce an upcoming mental health training session for clergy and lay persons on Wednesday, September 16th, from 1-4pm. This FREE training is open to any and all members of the clergy who are looking to gain a better understanding of mental health

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Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge

I was researching potential speakers about nine months ago when I stumbled across a youtube video of a TED Talk done by Kevin Briggs. The more I listened to his presentations, and the more I researched him, the more I knew we needed him in Omaha to help spread his powerful message of suicide prevention and mental health awareness.

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