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The Kim Foundation hosts several events throughout the year to educate and inspire a variety of audiences, including students, professionals and the general community.

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Death of Iowa Teen Inspires a “Pledge for Peace”

On Thursday, September 25th, a high school altercation turned deadly. Council Bluffs’ teens, Dakota Escritt, 17, and Gregary Teer, 16, had an intense exchange of words followed by pushing and a single punch. Escritt was taken to Children’s Hospital in critical condition after the punch knocked him to the ground, causing him to hit his head on the tile floor. The teen died on Saturday as a result of his injuries.

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Creating a “Bully-Free” Zone

Bullying today does not look the same as it did 20 years ago. Bullies are not always the stereotypical outcasts or the biggest kid in the class, but are now often the “popular kids” with sidekicks. It has gradually evolved from physical intimidation, in to rumors, blackmail, gossip, cyber-bullying, and exclusion. Bullying no longer happens only at recess or on the walk home from school, but can happen via text message, online, Instant Messenger, and other social media. In this hyper connected technological world, there’s no way to avoid the possibility of becoming a victim of bullying.

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The Focus of What We Do – Mental Health Awareness

Last month I focused much of what I wrote on suicide prevention. Little did I know that it was simply a foreshadow to such excellent work to come! I don’t know of a September when so much effort was dedicated to suicide prevention – building awareness, raising funds, and media attention. Certainly it is always a focus, but this year seemed to have so much more attention toward it and for whatever the reason, we at the foundation are grateful!

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Smoking Linked to More Severe Mental Health Issues

Every year, smoking kills over 480,000 Americans and nearly half of these deaths are people who were living with mental illness. With nearly 44.4% of all cigarettes in America being consumed by individuals with mental illness and/or a substance abuse disorder, there has been a long standing connection between smoking, mental illness, and suicide.

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United Way Day of Caring

United Way of the Midlands is celebrating its 13th annual Day of Caring on October 10th! The service event first began in 2001 to promote the spirit and value of volunteerism.

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Blood Test Could Predict Suicide Risk

Imagine a world where a simple blood draw would be able to determine whether you or a loved one has a predetermined vulnerability to suicide? Thanks to the researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine, this test could become a reality.

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Film Streams Presents “Running From Crazy”

On October 7th, Film Streams will be hosting a Special Screening of “Running From Crazy,” which will be followed by a panel discussion. The event precedes The Kim Foundation’s October 22 “A Time for Hope and Healing” luncheon, when Mariel Hemingway, the subject of “Running From Crazy,” will be the keynote speaker.

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Governor Proclaims September Suicide Awareness Month

On Tuesday September 2, 2014 Governor Dave Heineman conducted a proclamation ceremony naming September Suicide Awareness Month in the state of Nebraska. Attending the ceremony with the Governor were both Co-Chairs of the Nebraska State Suicide Prevention Coalition (NSSPC), Dr. Dave Miers of Bryan Medical Center, Dr. Don Belau of Doane College, and several members of the group, which is a voluntary group made up of suicide survivors, private agencies, and passionate Nebraskans who are dedicated to suicide prevention.

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Suicide Prevention

With the tragic death of Robin Williams, and suicide prevention week being right around the corner, suicide prevention and the effects suicide can have on families and individuals have been at the forefront for many over the last few weeks. Much has been written and analyzed over why Robin Williams took his life. Much confusion and disbelief has been voiced over how a man who provided so many laughs and Oscar worthy moments could possibly be so depressed that he would take his own life. But maybe the clearest concept that comes from this is that mental illness, whether severe depression or something else, is an indiscriminate disease. It can, and will, impact people from all walks of life, all levels of success, and even those who are loved by many. It’s a terrible disease that unfortunately many choose to suffer through alone, until they simply cannot handle it anymore.

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