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The Kim Foundation hosts several events throughout the year to educate and inspire a variety of audiences, including students, professionals and the general community.

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Building Resiliency

Resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have, rather it involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone.

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Intern Diaries: Part 1 – Finding Calm in the Storm

Taking care of yourself as a college student (or someone who is extremely busy) can be most important when it comes to being effective.

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A New Year

It’s hard to believe summer is rapidly coming to an end. Everywhere I look I see back to school signs, supplies, and even some excitement on the kiddos’ faces as they talk about their upcoming year. However, there is usually some anxiety for some of the students as they advance to the next year…

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Mental Health for the Mature Population

Caring for our mental health is important across the lifespan. Check out some different techniques the mature population can use to stay mentally healthy.

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Mental Health Education in Schools

With the increasing rates of teen suicide and adolescent mental illness, two states are now requiring public schools to include mental health into their curriculums.

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Understanding Suicide

This past month, we lost two influential celebrities to suicide. Many people often ask, “How could they do that?” or “They seem to have everything, why would they do that?”

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Nebraska School Mental Health Wrap Up

We were honored to host nearly 175 Nebraskans for the state School Mental Health Forum on Friday June 8th. We had Senators, providers, administrators, teachers, counselors, psychologists, social workers, and many more join together to lay the groundwork for the best steps for Nebraska to move forward in this important area.

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Words of Hope & Healing

Our words are powerful and can influence those who listen to or read them. What’s more, when we tell a story, our story, those who can relate tend to open up about their own journey. We want to take some time each month to highlight someone’s story – in their own words.

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2018 Art & Creative Writing Contest

In recognition of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, The Kim Foundation sponsored an Art & Creative Writing Contest for students in grades 6 – 12 around the Metro area.

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