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The Kim Foundation hosts several events throughout the year to educate and inspire a variety of audiences, including students, professionals and the general community.

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Connecting People to Resources

As part of our community outreach, The Kim Foundation is involved in many parent-teacher conferences in the spring and fall. The Kim Foundation is busy this week working resource booths at four different middle schools during their parent-teacher conferences.

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The Kim Foundation’s Community Outreach Program

Over the past couple of weeks, The Kim Foundation has had the opportunity to present to the entire student body at Lewis & Clark Middle School in the Bellevue Public School District. We reached over 600 students with our message of mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

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Metro Area LOSS Team Update

The Metro Area LOSS Team, in partnership with other LOSS teams throughout Nebraska, will be hosting the first ever Nebraska LOSS Teams: Uniting to Support Survivors of Suicide Loss. The events will take place at King of Kings Lutheran Church, 11615 I Street, in Omaha, NE on March 23, 24, and 25…

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What Lies Ahead

As January is well underway, a new year with great transition is upon us. A new year always allows for a fresh start, new goals, and renewed energy. However, a new year can also be a time of change and new leadership. That is what we are facing this year.

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Telepsychiatry to Treat Mental Illness

Telepsychiatry has become a growing service around the country. It allows for more access to care for those living in remote areas and for those who need help at any hour of the day. Typically, patients will video conference with their doctors for evaluations and to manage their medication.

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New Year’s Resolutions and Mental Health

Once the New Year begins, most of us are ready to join a gym, organize our homes, or even start budgeting our money better. All of these pursuits are important ones, but how many of us include getting mentally healthy in our list of New Year’s resolutions?

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Princess Kate Pledges Mental Health Help If Her Children Have A Need

Princess Kate, The Duchess of Cambridge, made a powerful statement on the new children’s mental health pod cast series, Child in Mind.

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Oh What a Year!

It’s hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone already and that 2016 is rapidly coming to a close. This is always one of my favorite times of the year as I sit surrounded by friends and loved ones, and admittedly, on sandy beaches with plenty of sunshine! But mostly, I am always grateful for how the holidays typically bring out the best in people.

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The Kim Foundation’s Year in Review

2016 was a great year for The Kim Foundation to celebrate 15 years of making a difference in our community. We take time to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and growth by remembering our biggest moments from 2016.

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