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The Kim Foundation hosts several events throughout the year to educate and inspire a variety of audiences, including students, professionals and the general community.

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Children’s Mental Health

Over the past decade, neuroscientists and mental health professionals have learned more about the development of a child’s brain. We now know that by the age of six, a child’s brain is 95% developed, and through this greater understanding of how fast, and when specific areas of children’s brains develop, we are learning more about the early stages of a wide range of mental illnesses that can appear later in life (

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The Importance of Suicide Prevention & Postvention

Last month I mentioned that The Kim Foundation was moving forwarded in 2015 with a renewed focus on suicide prevention. As many of you know, suicide remains a public health crisis in our country. In 2012, there were 40,600 reported suicides in America. That equates to someone dying by suicide every 12.9 minutes. That is at least one in the time it will take you to read this newsletter.

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The Difference Between Bipolar Type I & II

While you can find some general information about bipolar disorder on our web site, I was interested in learning more about the differences between bipolar type I and type II. This article will give you a better understanding of the signs and symptoms of the two main subtypes of bipolar disorder.

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New “Nebraska Behavioral Health Jobs” Site

A new behavioral health job search site was recently launched and is ready to connect you to the latest behavioral health opportunities in Nebraska.

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Investing in the Future of Mental Health Care

The University of Missouri (MU) School of Social Work and the University of Missouri- St. Louis (UMSL) School of Social Work received $1 million dollars from the United States Health Resources and Services Administration. The three-year grant is designed to provide funding for 84 students pursuing their masters or social work degrees (MSW) at the two universities.

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

It is that time of year that everyone reflects back on what has occurred over the last 12 months, and what goals they would like to meet during the upcoming year. We here at The Kim Foundation are no different! While we’ve been enjoying the holiday season, we’ve also taken some time for reflection and planning for 2015. We’ve had many successes over this past year, which we are so thankful for, but are also looking forward to new initiatives in the coming year.

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New Study Suggest Fish Oil Can Prevent Psychosis

A study by Paul Amminger and Patrick McGorry of Australia’s University of Melbourne and Monika Schlogelhofer of the Medical University of Vienna in Austria, conducted a study which suggests that fish oil may reduce the risk of psychosis. NAMI defines psychosis as the experience of loss of contact with reality, and is not part of the person’s cultural group belief system or experience. Psychosis typically involves one of two major experiences, hallucinations and delusions.

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A Life or Death Situation

The death penalty is a topic that often stirs up strong emotions. This already controversial punishment becomes even more sensitive when a crime is committed by an individual with a severe mental illness. Recently, there has been world-wide media coverage on one Texas homicide case.

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Mental Health Awareness Rises on College Campuses

College campuses around the country are beginning to realize the importance of educating their students on mental health and suicide prevention. In 2012, suicide became the second leading cause of death among college students, and nearly 1 in 4 individuals 18-years-old and older will be affected by a mental illness each year (

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