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In today’s day in age, we all experience many forms of distraction. Whether it be spending time on social media, watching television, sitting on your computer, playing video games, or even feeling distracted by our own thoughts. It can be difficult to stay on task while being productive, stay present in conversations, or take time for yourself to rest.
We all have internal and external distractions. Our internal distractions are our own thoughts and emotions. These might include thoughts about pressing responsibilities or things we would rather be doing. This also may include distractions we experience from emotions and different life circumstances. External distractions include things like technology (our phones, social media, computers, video games, television, etc.), people, or noises around you. There are strategies that can help you manage to stay on track, focused, and manage distractions. Here are some tips to help you manage internal distractions:
– Plan out your day. Create a to-do list of the things you want to do. Remember to plan in breaks on your to-do list. This will help you feel more productive in getting your major tasks accomplished.
– Turn on music or plan a time for deep breathing or meditation.
– Prioritize sleep.
– Set SMART goals. Having specific goals will help you stay motivated in accomplishing a small or large goal.
Here are tips to help you manage external distractions:
– Identify what is distracting you. Once you have an idea of what your main distractions are when trying to complete a task, take action.
– Turn your phone on silent. Give yourself a break from being connected when you are trying to complete a project.
– Have an accountability partner. If you have a big goal you are wanting to achieve, reach out to a friend to help keep you on track with accomplishing your goal.
Distractions are inevitable. The best thing you can do for yourself is plan and prepare and figure out what works best for you to stay focused and on task. Trying to adopt to new habits will help you control your distractions. Remember this takes time, so be patient and don’t give up.

Jill Haupts, Outreach Coordinator for The Kim Foundation
Jill Haupts is the Outreach Coordinator at The Kim Foundation. She received her bachelor’s degree in Child, Adult, and Family Services from Iowa State University in 2016. Jill joined the Kim Foundation in January of 2020, coming from Des Moines, Iowa. Her previous experience includes volunteer recruitment and fundraising, as well as experience coordinating services and providing resources to adults who have a mental health diagnosis. Jill’s role in the foundation is coordinating event logistics, presenting and attending community fairs, as well as volunteer coordination and recruitment. She enjoys working in the nonprofit field and has a passion for advocacy and helping others.