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Supporting Our Kids
After a recent suicide prevention talk at a local high school, I had a young lady come up to me as the rest of the kids filed out of the auditorium doors. She began to open up about her mental health struggles, her past with self-harm, and her frequent thoughts of suicide.
Mental Health at Your Desk
Sitting at your desk all day can be draining and downright tiresome. Whether you are someone that is constantly on the phone and taking calls all day or you are the person with mile-high paperwork, your mental health could be at risk if you do nothing to recharge at least once during your busy work day.
Gratitude and Mental Health
Many of us acknowledge the goodness in our lives and are thankful especially at Thanksgiving. Yet, being grateful on a consistent basis has been shown to positively impact us in our relationships and our mental health. It can even help to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.
Joey Pantoliano
Bryan Medical Center brought in Emmy Award winning actor Joey Pantoliano as the keynote speaker for their annual Mental Illness Awareness Week event on October 3rd. The room was packed with nearly 500 people wanting to hear the famous Joey Pants open up about his family’s history of mental illness, his past struggle with substance use, as well as his own journey of mental illness.
Prioritizing School Mental Health
Recently we announced that in partnership with ESU3, we would be taking over the reins of the Nebraska School Mental Health Conference from BHECN. We are very excited to take on this initiative and feel it strongly aligns with our mission and the importance we place on early intervention and prevention. Several ESU staff and two of us from the foundation spent last week in Washington, DC attending the National School Mental Health Conference to help guide our efforts at the state level.
The Best Food for Your Mood
Many of us who are looking to stay or get into better shape start to evaluate one or two areas of our lives: what we do to move and what we put into our body. If weight loss is your goal, you increase your cardio and weight lifting while decreasing your caloric intake. When you want to bulk up and gain more muscle, you start lifting even heavier weights and increase your daily protein consumption. While all of this takes care of your physical health, what about mental health?
New Research on Youth Trauma Treatment
In early October I had the opportunity to sit down with Ben Czyz, a licensed mental health therapist with Lutheran Family Services in Omaha. Czyz had reached out to The Kim Foundation to update us on an exciting new research project that Lutheran Family Services, Boys Town, Creighton, and the Attachment and Trauma Center of Nebraska will soon be embarking on.
Fears, Frights, and Phobias
Fear is an interesting emotion. With Halloween coming in just a few weeks, some of us will get to experience our terrors all around us. Whether it be a fake spider at our desk, eerie skulls lying about, or children and adults parading around in scary costumes, fear can come in many forms. Some fear can be healthy and even sought out by thrill seekers.
World Mental Health Day
October 10th marks World Mental Health Day each year. It was first celebrated in 1992 by the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health which makes it the 25th anniversary of the event.
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