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It is hard to believe, but the holidays are already quickly approaching. During the holidays life tends to get very busy for individuals. There is time spent rushing around doing last minute shopping, wrapping any gifts, time spent traveling to see family, and also getting any end of the year to do lists for work or school done. Even though it is a very joyful time for people, it can also be stressful.
During this time of the year, it is important to know that it is okay to take a break. It is okay to rest and relax. Even though there are always a lot of things going on, please know that you still need to take care of yourself. I’m not suggesting you avoid any responsibilities, but if you have time to rest, please know that it okay to actually rest. There is a societal exception for individuals to always be busy, but for our emotional wellbeing it is best if we take time to take breaks and rest.
Taking a break and resting looks different for every person. Here are some suggestions if you are looking for ideas on different ways to rest:
- Read a book.
- Spend some time catching up on your favorite TV shows. Sometimes people can feel bad for watching TV, but if you watch it in moderation, it can be really restful.
- Go outside. Spending any amount of time in nature is going to be beneficial for your mental health.
- Spend time with people you care about. You can still rest and be around the people in your life who you care about.
- Journal. Taking time to journal and reflect is beneficial for your mental health and can be a nice way to relax.
- Play a board game. Depending on how competitive you are, this could be a relaxing option for you.
- Go volunteer. Yes, I realize volunteering doesn’t scream taking a break, but volunteering can actually be very rewarding for individuals, and it can positively influence your mental health.
Whatever you decide to do the most important thing to know is that it is okay to take a break. After another hard year with so many uncertainties, we all deserve to rest and relax. Find something you enjoy doing and do it. There is no need to feel guilty if you decide to take a break. Most importantly, be sure to give yourself grace. If you do not get something done that you wanted to get done, it is okay. If you are not resting as much as you would like, it is okay. We are all humans, so we need to give ourselves grace when we do or do not do the things we were wanting to do. Take time during this holiday season to do something for yourself. There is only you in the whole world, so you are worth taking care of.

Katie Zimmerman, Project Coordinator for The Kim Foundation
Katie Zimmerman joined The Kim Foundation in June 2019. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies and Sociology from Central College in Pella, Iowa. During her time in college, she volunteered at many non-profit organizations and took multiple sociology classes which focused on mental health. Katie’s role at The Kim Foundation includes running the social media accounts, assisting in the Youth Advisory Council, and providing mental health awareness and education to the community through A Voice for Hope and Healing presentations.