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Gone But Not Forgotten
The suicide prevention and mental health community mourns the loss of one of their own, Amy Bluel. Bluel is best known for her nonprofit organization dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who are struggling with mental illness, suicide, addiction and self-injury, Project Semicolon.
Nebraska LOSS Teams’ Conference Brings Exciting Changes
Nebraska LOSS Teams’ conference, Uniting to Support Survivors of Suicide Loss, took place late last month in Omaha. The creator of the LOSS postvention model, Dr. Frank Campbell, joined us for the two and a half day conference and shared his vast experience in working with suicide survivors.
Springing Into Action
Spring has been an exciting time around The Kim Foundation. We officially welcomed a new Project Coordinator, Janae Shillito. Jill Hamilton and I attended the National Council for Behavioral Health Conference in Seattle. We had the opportunity to do a poster presentation on our 13minutes campaign.
First Responders Need Saving Too
First responders deal with a whole host of stressors on the job. Day in and day out, those who protect and serve can witness both great moments, as well as horrifying moments. These events can leave mental impressions and lasting still frames in their minds.
Sharing is Daring
Battling a medical disease or disorder is a hard fight. There are plenty of doctor’s appointments, medications to be filled and refilled, and potential hospitalizations for more invasive treatments. Family members and friends all come together for support during someone’s time of need.
Hope and Healing through Creativity Contest
The Kim Foundation is recognizing Mental Health Awareness Month in May by sponsoring a contest about hope and healing. The foundation is inviting students in grades 6 – 12 to submit original works of art, creative writing, or videos that share personal stories and focus on the theme, “Hope and Healing through Creativity.”
Railroad Systems Initiate Suicide Prevention Efforts
Suicide is currently the 10th leading cause of death for all ages in the United States. While suicide by handguns and prescription drug overdoses are the two most common methods, death by train has also become a problem. According to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) there are roughly 275-325 completed railroad suicides per year with additional 30-50 attempts.
Losing an Advocate
It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to one of the kindest, strongest, most genuine behavioral health advocates I have known. Anthony Steels lost his battle to cancer this month. I had the pleasure of getting to know Anthony and his family through our Don’t Be Sidelined public awareness campaign, which he served as our spokesperson for several years.
Music as Therapy
I recently wrote a blog entitled Winter at Carnegie Hall, which was about an 18 year old pianist from Missouri, named Liam, who died by suicide. Following his death, his mother Lisa sought out a way to honor his memory.
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