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Oh What a Year!

It’s hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone already and that 2016 is rapidly coming to a close. This is always one of my favorite times of the year as I sit surrounded by friends and loved ones, and admittedly, on sandy beaches with plenty of sunshine! But mostly, I am always grateful for how the holidays typically bring out the best in people.

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The Kim Foundation’s Year in Review

2016 was a great year for The Kim Foundation to celebrate 15 years of making a difference in our community. We take time to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and growth by remembering our biggest moments from 2016.

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How To Approach Bullying

Heading back to school can be an exciting time, but for children who have experienced bullying, it can be very stressful. It’s not uncommon for youth who have been victims to be hesitant to tell their parents about what has been going on, in fear that they will go to the school…

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Safely Secure Your Handguns For Free

The Omaha Police Department is helping in the suicide prevention effort by assisting citizens in securing firearms in local homes. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which handles that registration, reported that there were more than 3.1 million National Firearms Act-registered weapons in the U.S. as of March 2012.

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Happy Thanksgiving

While the Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone, the festive and grateful spirit still reverberates through so much. This time of year is always one of my favorites – family, friends, delicious food…and gratitude seems to flow so much easier when you are near a holiday that by the very name makes you give thanks.

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A Thankful Heart Can Create a Healthier Mind and Body

As we gather with family and friends this holiday season, it is not uncommon to reflect on our many blessings. Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude for all things big and small. However, if we chose to live with a gracious heart all year long, experts say…

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LOSS Team Update

As November begins to come to a close and the holidays draw near, I begin to reflect on our team and our mission. Over the past year, our team has doubled in size and is continuing to grow. Since our beginning only 17 months ago, we have provided suicide specific community resources and…

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National Family Caregivers Month

During the month of November, we take time to recognize the caregivers across the country. The family members and friends who spend countless hours providing care to relatives or loved ones are honored for their selfless acts of love and kindness. There are an estimated 90 million caregivers in our nation and this year’s theme is, “Take Care to Give Care”.

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Mental Illness is not a Halloween Costume

Every Halloween it seems that mental illness is unfortunately brought up as a form of entertainment. Whether it is in haunted houses, movies, or the costumes that people purchase, mental illness is especially stigmatized during this season.

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