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Social Media and Your Psyche

There have been many studies focused on the connection between social media and depression, so the new research conducted by Mai-Ly Steers from the University of Houston, is not anything groundbreaking. It more or less reiterates that people who constantly compare their lives to others on Facebook or Instagram, are setting themselves up for depressed feelings.

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Standard Mental Health Screenings

You can’t turn on the TV without hearing about the Germanwings pilot who crashed his airliner into the French Alps, killing him and 150 others ( Despite the fact that only 3% of all violent crimes can be traced back to a person with mental illness, the media has been our biggest opponent in the fight against stigma.

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Suicide Safe

“Are you thinking about killing yourself?” can be a difficult question to ask someone, especially if that person is a loved one. However, this is the one question that could save their life.

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Save The Date!

We are thrilled to announce Kevin Briggs as our speaker for our annual event on October 13, 2015 at Embassy Suites LaVista. Kevin is a retired Sergeant with the California Highway Patrol, as well as an Army Veteran. He spent many years patrolling the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. While on patrol, he encouraged more than 200 individuals to either not go over the bridge’s rail or come back to solid ground.

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More Than a Number

Before I began working at The Kim Foundation, I had always viewed eating disorders as an issue that plagued high school girls who read too many glamour magazines. Restricting calories, or even skipping lunch all together, were not unusual occurrences at my high school.

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After the amazing turn out we had at the Film Streams showing of “Running From Crazy,” The Kim Foundation, in partnership with Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska, will be hosting a special showing of French-Canadian director, Xavier Dolan’s, “Mommy,” this Thursday the 19th at 6:30pm. Following the film will be a panel discussion.

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Teen’s Suicide Brings on Involuntary Manslaughter Charges

A disturbing and heart wrenching story made headlines last week involving a Massachusetts teen’s suicide.
Eight teen year old Conrad Roy II, died by suicide in July. In a strange twist, his girlfriend is now being charged with involuntary manslaughter.

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Clay Hunt SAV Act

It is estimated that 22 military veterans die by suicide every day. In 2011, Clay Hunt, 28, was one of the many soldiers who took his own life.

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The Cost of Success

For millions of high school seniors, the idea of going off to college is one filled with excitement and eagerness to gain independence. No more curfew, no one telling them when to study, or turn off the television; finally, freedom!stressed-child.jpg
However, are the expectations and pressure placed on college students today taking a toll on their mental health?

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