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The Olympic Creed
I’ve enjoyed watching the Winter Olympics over the last couple weeks. All of the hard work, training and dedication have paid off, the medals have been counted, and athletes who proudly represented their countries have returned home. There were moments of heartache and celebration as athletes reached their personal best, and some were eliminated long before expected. But one thing I came across preparing for this article that I didn’t hear much about throughout the Olympics, was the Olympic Creed. It reads, “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well.”
Wear Your Green Proudly
The flowers and chocolates have been sent, and February, the month known for love, is coming to an end. Soon March will begin, and four leaf clovers, leprechauns, and rainbows with a pot of gold will cover store shelves in preparation for St. Patrick’s Day. Stores are shifting from colors pink and red, to green.
A Failed System
“The system failed my son tonight.” These were the words that Senator Deeds repeated to 60 Minutes in an interview recalling the tragic events from November. Deeds’ son, Gus, committed suicide after attacking Deeds with a knife.
More than Loving Others
With February, comes imaging of hearts, cupid, and love all around. February 14th is Valentine’s Day and is often a day known for letting your loved ones know how much they mean to you. As you write cards, shop for chocolates, or pick out the perfect flowers, don’t forget to show yourself a little love this holiday as well.
Mental Health and Student-Athletes
Being a student-athlete is hard. There is an added pressure to excel both on the court and in the classroom. Failure is just not an option. An article, Taking Notice of the Hidden Injury by Nicole Noren, explains the struggles many student-athletes are facing.
A New Year
With a new year comes new opportunity for change and growth, and there are plenty of bills before the State Legislature this session that will allow for growth in the mental health field if they are passed. Some of the bills we are keeping our eye on are LB923, LB887, LB931 and LB916.
WJAG, NewsTalk780 in Norfolk, NE recently featured a series of interviews with area residents affected by suicide. Family members and friends left behind often wonder if there is anything they could have done to prevent the situation. Experts recommend seeking help as soon as you suspect a friend or family member is contemplating suicide. Although it is a difficult conversation to have, getting a person to talk about their situation makes them feel less isolated and may prevent them from attempting suicide. The Kim Foundation’s website provides a list of emergency hotlines as well as support groups throughout the state of Nebraska.
Fighting the Winter Blues
Winter is in full swing, and for some, this seems like the longest season of all. With the cold days still coming, there are times you may feel a little bluer than other. Just because summer is far off does not mean you can not enjoy these colder days. Here are a few things you can do in order to better enjoy the winter months.
Shaking the Stigma Away
When it comes to the subject of mental illness, many people instantly feel uncomfortable. The stigma that is related to this disease leaves people silent and turning the other way. A campaign, OK2TALK, is working to turn this stigma around.
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